Out of a total of 158 urine samples, 94% and 97% of samples tested positive for Glyphosate and AMPA, respectively.
Author: Sage Patterson
Why Composting is the Most Important Thing You Can Do for the Environment
America wastes nearly twice as much food as other developed countries, a total of 122 billion pounds of food waste each year.
Study Shows 1 in 3 Children Have Dangerous Levels of Lead in Their Bloodstream
The CDC as well as the WHO, have cited inadequate battery recycling as well as open air smelters as large contributors to lead pollution.
Oil Companies File For Bankruptcy While Paying Executives Massive Bonuses
As the demand for fuel drops and gas wells go unused, methane gas is spewing into the environment and companies are filing for bankruptcy while paying large bonuses to business executives within the companies.
Germany Bans Single-use Plastic by 2021
Plastics, although recyclable, still require a lot of energy to produce and are not endlessly recyclable
The Loss of Honeybees is Effecting Crop Production
Data from the UN’s food and agriculture organization shows that the amount of bee dependent crops had increased 300% over the past 50 years.
California Passes Zero Emissions Mandate by 2045 for Trucks
Heavy-duty trucks are California’s largest source of smog-forming nitrogen oxide pollution
Michigan Aims to Recycle More and Send Less Waste to Landfills
Currently Michigan’s recycling rate is currently at 15%, more than half the national average recycling rate.
Your Guide to At-Home Composting
If your greens to brown ratio is off your compost pile will begin to smell, and will be more likely to attract animals and bugs. The proper green to brown ratio will ensure that your compost pile does not smell and is also hot enough to decompose. Your greens include things like grass clippings and food scraps. Your browns include things like dry leaves, paper, cardboard, straw, sawdust, and wood chips. Generally, a 4:1 browns…
Crops to Grow for Self Sufficiency
If you are purely trying to sustain yourself should the food supply chain collapse, Luke recommends high calorie, starchy crops like potatoes, carrots, and corn.