Commercial compost has both A and B grades that you can order. Grade A compost is sifted to a finer degree than Grade B compost. Grade A compost is also said to be free of seeds.
Tag: Vermicomposting
What is Vermicompost?
After diving into the world of composting and exploring the benefits of composting for your garden you may begin to see more information about vermiculture in your search for information about composting.
At Home Guide to Gardening
Rather than spraying conventional pesticide, neem oil can be a great natural alternative to conventional pesticides if you’re experiencing pests in your garden.
Your Guide to At-Home Composting
If your greens to brown ratio is off your compost pile will begin to smell, and will be more likely to attract animals and bugs. The proper green to brown ratio will ensure that your compost pile does not smell and is also hot enough to decompose. Your greens include things like grass clippings and food scraps. Your browns include things like dry leaves, paper, cardboard, straw, sawdust, and wood chips. Generally, a 4:1 browns…