Sponsored Residential Food Waste Composting for Low Income Households

$10.55 / month and a $5.00 sign-up fee

This residential composting program is for weekly pickups for homes with lower incomes on tighter budgets. Join the waiting list, and as soon as a customer(s) pays for the sponsorship option, we will contact those on this waiting list in order of when they joined the wait list.

1 in stock


Our procedure is to pick up your collection bucket from your front porch. If your housing situation requires your bucket to be picked up from anywhere that is not a front porch or while not being visible from the street, (apartment, condo) please explain pickup instructions in detail when you checkout in the “Customer Provided Note” field.

You will receive an email within 24 hours of signing up that will tell you when we are dropping off your bucket and when your weekly pickup day is. Buckets include a liner each week.

Using the phone number you sign up with, we will send a weekly text reminder prior to your pickup day to have your bucket out and visible from the street by 7 a.m. the next day.

Materials Accepted

By subscribing to Residential Composting Service, your household agrees to only include materials listed that are compostable and not include any materials that are not listed. Midtown Composting reserves the right to not pick up a bucket if discovered upon pickup, the bucket contains materials not accepted, without refund or credit.

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Meat and bones
  • Bread
  • Eggshells
  • All food waste including plate scrapings and uneaten food
  • Napkins
  • Paper plates
  • Compostable cups and cutlery (Greensafe, Ingeo)
  • Coffee grounds with filter
  • Tea bags (make sure they’re not made of plastic)
  • Unprinted cardboard; paper towel rolls
  • Soiled pizza boxes bottoms (Unsoiled tops are recyclable)
  • Q-Tip brand cotton swabs (other brands only if no plastic material)

If your household would like to compost an item that is not listed but questionable, please email us or use the chat function on the lower right.

Pickup Procedure

By subscribing to residential composting service your household agrees to have the collection bucket placed on your front porch and visible from the street (or pre-designated location) by 7 a.m. on pickup day. Buckets that are not picked up due to not being placed out by 7 a.m., nor visible from the street, will not be refunded nor credited. If a bucket is not sighted by the driver, the pickup location will be photographed and timestamped.

Midtown Composting strives to have pickups completed by 9 p.m. each day although pickups may run later due to the ever-changing nature of pickup service. If Midtown Composting does not or will not make pickup on designated pickup day for any reason, there will be an email or text message sent explaining the situation and when pickup will occur.

While striving to complete pickups by 9 p.m. on each designated day, there may and have been delays in service due to severe weather, driver shortages, and vehicle mechanical problems. If it is discovered that a pickup is missed due to a mistake on behalf of Midtown Composting; arrangements to make pickup will be made or there will be a credit received for missed service.


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